On March 21, 2024, the "Working for Workers Four Act, 2023" received royal assent in Ontario.The bill amends various workplace laws, such as the Employment Standards Act, 2000, and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. Provisions of the act key to the construction industry include:
See the full bill
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month in Canada. Since its inception, Mental Health Awareness Month has been a cornerstone of addressing challenges faced by millions of Canadians living with mental health conditions. Throughout the month the country actively participates in movements dedicated to eradicating stigma, extending support, fostering public education and advocating for policies that prioritize the well-being of individuals and families affected by mental health.
On May 16 th, 2024 the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada will be hosting their insightful webinar; Building Awareness: Addressing Mental Health in the Construction Industry.The webinar delves into the often-overlooked signs and symptoms of mental health challenges inthose around us. Helping to gain a deeper understanding of the barriers individuals face in seeking help, learning to identify these obstacles, and discovering the pivotal role leadershipplays in cultivating an environment that champions mental health awareness and education.
For more information and to register click HERE!
For access to the MCAC 9-8-8 Toolkit click HERE!
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly integrating into various aspects of daily life, from spell-checking documents to optimizing business processes for enhanced productivity. In one of its more basic forms, ChatGPT can be a useful tool offering time saving solutions for a variety oftasks. Try some of these prompts to test it out and see just how useful it can be in your day-to-day life.
However, while software like ChatGPT provides a handy framework, human proofreading iscrucial for accuracy, especially for sensitive matters such as terminations or conflicts. It is advisable to avoid inputting sensitive company or personal details, as anything entered becomes part of the public domain.
Stay tuned for Part 2 in our next newsletter, where we will delve into industry specific AIprograms and additional strategies for enhancing productivity in your business.
The Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development will be continuing its Struck-by campaign through 2024 to March 31, 2025. The campaign will focus on Single/Multi-family residential, Industrial, Commercial, Road/sewer/water, and will include a variety oftactics, including field blitz inspections. Inspectors will be checking:
While inspecting workplaces, inspectors will be checking that employers are complying with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and engaging with workplaces to promote compliance.
For more information on Struck-by hazards click HERE!
For access to IHSA working at heights training click HERE!
Learn more about other MLITSD workplace compliance initiatives HERE!
IHSA is gearing up for their 7th annual Falls Awareness Week in Ontario set to run from May 6th to May 10th, 2024. This initiative aims to foster open discussions to transform workplace attitudes towards fall prevention, one the major causes of fatalities and serious injuries in the construction industry. They urge participation by collectively promoting workplace safety insocial media using #IHSA news and #StandDown4Safety to share experiences and tips.
IHSA offers a FREE Downloadable Tool Kit comprising safety talks, resources, forms, checklists,articles, advisories, posters, webinars, and new YouTube videos focused on preventing falls inconstruction.
For more information or to download the Toolkit click HERE!
The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF) has introduced the National Mentor DevelopmentProgram for Women in the Skilled Trades, aiming to enhance mentorship skills for women andgender diverse individuals in trades. The four-month online program, conducted by experts and tradeswomen coaches, is offered free of charge across Canada.
The program was developed in collaboration with CAF partners, the Office to Advance WomenApprentices, and Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium. It addresses the need identified by tradeswomen for mentorship, as highlighted in consultations held during CAF's conferences which underscored the importance of establishing mentoring programs for women in trades.
To participate or become a coach please apply
Effective May 1st, 2024, the TSSA is implementing a 5% increase to all fees. When averaging feeincreases over the past three years this puts their fee increases at 2.94%, markedly lower than the 4.57% average rate of inflation over the same period.
The TSSA reviews their fees annually to ensure that they are adequately resourced and cancontinue to maintain its safety mandate and regulatory responsibilities.
Learn More HERE!
The Ontario Government has decided to repeal Bill 124, which had imposed a 1% annual cap on wages for public sector workers. The bill was introduced in 2019 and faced criticism from unionsand workers who argued that it hindered their ability to negotiate fair wages, particularly in lightof rising living costs. The repeal of Bill 124 is expected to result in increased bargaining power for public sector unions and could lead to higher wage increases for workers.
Read more
Congratulations to the Student of the McMaster who placed in the top four at the MCAA student chapter competition. The students from McMaster needed to win several preliminary contests in order to be invited to the finals held in Orlando where they competed against 24 other winners from across North America.
The final competition involved submittinga proposal as the prime mechanical contractor for the Kansas City Zoo Aquarium including all piping, HVAC,controls and additional work requiredfrom the bid document.
Read more about the competition
More details will be provided in early fall. Click here for a virtual tour of the resort!
Our intent is to make this a quarterly newsletter that is full of timely and valuable information for you. If you would like to see a specific topic or concern included in a future version please reach out to us at mcao@mcao.org. We welcome any feedback and/or questions you may have.
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