Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG)

The Canada-Ontario Job Grant provides direct financial support to individual employers or employer consortia who wish to purchase training for their employees. It is available to small, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short-term training to existing and new employees.


Eligible businesses can obtain up to $10,000 per employee to assist with training costs. The funds are available for existing employees as well as new hires. The Canada-Ontario Job Grant can be utilized to support a wide array of training needs. The COJG was created to support businesses’ investment in maintaining and improving the skills of their workforce. The Government of Ontario will support employee training initiatives for businesses who wish to upgrade their existing employees’ skill sets or train new hires.  Small businesses can receive up to $10,000 per employee per initiative to cover 66.67% of training costs. Businesses with less than 50 full time employees can include a portion of their trainees’ wage as company contributions, further improving the program’s funding percentage. Eligible training expenses include registration fees, training materials and software, trainer costs and examination fees.

What is the Canada-Ontario Job Grant?

On March 28, 2014, Ontario signed the Canada-Ontario Job Fund Agreement with the federal government. The agreement is a key source of funding for new, employer-driven, training initiatives and represents an opportunity for the province to engage more effectively with employers to support Ontarians in obtaining the skills required to fill and succeed in available jobs. Under the agreement, Ontario delivers the Canada-Ontario Job Grant.

The grant provides direct financial support for employers who wish to purchase training for their workforce. In this grant program, employers choose the individuals they would like to have trained, and the training that meets their workforce development needs.

This program is intended to support employers in taking a greater role in workforce development. The cost of training is a shared investment between employers and the government.

Learn More About the Canada-Ontario Job Grant
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