Naloxone, a vital antidote for opioid overdoses, is now mandatory for at-risk workplaces as per OHSA regulations. To combat the alarming opioid crisis affecting various industries, including construction, bars, andrestaurants, the government is providing free Naloxone kits while supplies last. This initiative aims to tackle the rising number of accidental overdoses caused by recreational drugs laced with deadly opioids such as fentanyl and carfentanil. By ensuring Naloxone is easily accessible, the government is taking a significant step towards reducing overdose deaths and creating safer work environments.
For more information, free training, or to receive your free Naloxone kits, follow any of these links:
IHSA Free Training and Naloxone Kits
Red Cross Free Training and Naloxone Kits
St. John Ambulance Free Training and Naloxone Kits
BuildForce has introduced the Construction Career Pathways program, an initiative designed to bridge the gap between job seekers seeking entry-level construction opportunities and companies eagerly hiring new talent in anticipation of the upcoming busy work season. The program is a collaboration with the Government of Canada allowing Build Force to offer employers wage-subsidy incentives of up to $2,400 per worker.
The Construction Career Pathways program is open to any worker with BuildForce putting a particular emphasison increasing diversity in construction. For more information, please visit contact the program manager John Viktorin at and 613-410-1750.
The fit for work initiative is a series of documents and references designed by the IHSA to help your company create an effective policy to give employers and workers a clear understanding about unacceptable behaviour in the workplace as it relates to impairment. The construction industry can be dangerous on its own, and worker impairment only increases the risks serious injury. There is no safe place on a construction site for anyone who is impaired by alcohol or drugs. This guide was produced by the IHSA and has step by step instructions, references, and examples to help you create your own Fit for Work Policy.
Download it Here!
We are thrilled to share exciting news about the Richard McKeagan Scholarship Series, a collaborative initiativeby the Construction Education Council and MCA Canada Associate Members. The application process for this prestigious scholarship series began on May 19 and will accept submissions until September 1, 2023. New application software has been developed to simplify the application process and allow candidates to easily complete and manage their applications online while automatically matching them to specific criteria set be eachcompany offering a scholarship.
Download the Scholarship
Flyer here or visit the MCAC Scholarship website
The MCA Hamilton/Niagara and UA Local 67 have been working with the Eva Rothwell center to renovate their art room and better serve the community. In just over one day, members piled into the art room to demolish, clean, and install a brand-new dual sink, including all new plumbing.
The story doesn’t end there! They also donated thousands of dollars restock the organization’s emergency foodpantry, including everything from soap and dental hygiene products to non-perishable food items like pasta andsoup. Read more about it here!
A live feed is now available on our website at the bottom of everypage. Log on to view or follow on Instagram.
Our new operations manager Dylan Knight has been diligently working on a complete survey of the MCAO’s membership since beginning in his position. Through this survey, we hope to learn more about the needs of our members and how we can help you grow your companies.
Your local Zone Managers will begin reaching out to each of our members individually after the summer Board of Directors meeting in August to ask you a few short questions. These questions are designed to provide the MCO with a better understanding of the issues and challenges that you face on a regular basis. With this information, we will be able to better direct resources to help you overcome them and grow your businesses.
Please feel free to reach out to Dylan with your questions or concerns via his email anytime!
Keep an "eye" out. More details to follow!
Our intent is to make this a quarterly newsletter that is full of timely and valuable information for you. If you would like to see a specific topic or concern included in a future version please reach out to us at We welcome any feedback and/or questions you may have.
5250 Solar Drive, Suite 201
Mississauga, ON L4W 0G4
Monday – Friday: 8:30AM–4:30PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
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