We hope you enjoyed your holidays andare returning feeling rejuvenated andexcited for what 2023 will bring. May this year be full of great accomplishments and much susccess.
The final version is complete and we are just waiting on feedback from the UA before goingto print. We are aiming to have the distribution of hard copies to Zone offices by mid-February. Our goal is also to have the electronic version accessible on our website
https://www.mcao.org/collective-agreement as of the end of January.
We have been working with the UA to respond to the CRA amendment to the Income TaxAct that prohibits pension contributions on behalf of a member to a Specified Multi-Employer Pension Plan (SMEP) after the end of the year the member attains 71 years of age
to a defined benefit provision of a SMEP if the member is receiving a pension from theplan. As this is time sensitive we expect to distribute a letter to all members in the next fewdays that outlines the way ahead. As always, do not hesitate to contact your Zone office orthe MCAO office if you have any questions or concerns.
MCA Ontario is organizing TSSA training courses/seminars from which member contractors can benefit in all provincial areas. Thus far there are two Zones that havescheduled course dates.
January 24 & 25 ASME B31.1 Power Piping Seminar Windsor
ASME B31.3 Process Piping Seminar
February 7 & 8 ASME B31.1 Power Piping Seminar Ottawa
ASME B31.3 Process Piping Seminar
TSSA Training courses/seminars equip employees to work safely and productively while maintaining compliancy.
Please contact MCA Ontario or your local Zone office accordingly for more information.
MCA Ontario would like to encourage Members to apply for the financial incentive of$5,000 or $10,000 for businesses that hire, onboard, train, and retain skilled 1st-year apprentices Apprentices.
Year one of the program is over on March 31, 2023. Don’t delay - act now to receive your rebate for June 2022 - March 31, 2023; you will be eligible to enroll another new apprentice in year two of the program, which is April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024.
If you have not yet signed up, please visit https://buildingtrades.ca/inthetrades/ - all the information is there, or call the MCAO office. We will be happy to forward you moredetails about this valuable incentive.
Effective June 1, access to naxolone kits and trained staff in their use will be mandatory in workplaces assessed to be at risk of a worker opioid overdose. As stipulated in the Occupational Health and Safety (OHSA) Act the provision of naxolone kits is mandatory when an employer becomes aware, or ought reasonably to be aware, of the following scenarios:
If any of the three conditions above, apply the Canadian Red Cross and St. JohnAmbulance offer naxolone kits and training.
Please note that the OHSA does not specify the number of workers that must be trained and Employers are not required to use a third party to provide the training.
To become better informed on this important issue and this new regulation, please visit the Ontario government website Naloxone in the workplace | ontario.ca where other related links, including the OHSA Act, can be found.
Please reach out to us at mcao@mcao.org if MCAO can assist in any manner.
Visit our website as we have added a new tab highlighting our partnership with the UA. We encourage all member contractors to add a similar link to their website. https://www.mcao.org/ua-offices
Our AGM is quickly approaching and we would love for you to join us! We are now able to accommodate more attendees; however, spots are limited. You are still eligible for our "early bird registration draw. Last day is January 13th.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office (905-629-0344).
Our intent is to make this a quarterly newsletter that is full of timely and valuable information for you. If you would like to see a specific topic or concern included in a future version please reach out to us at mcao@mcao.org. We welcome any feedback and/or questions you may have.
5250 Solar Drive, Suite 201
Mississauga, ON L4W 0G4
Monday – Friday: 8:30AM–4:30PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
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